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#a11yTO Gaming – Celebrating the accessible gaming community with Far Cry 6

October 18, 2022
3 minutes read
Matt West Web Banner

A huge turn out to learn and celebrate the advancements between accessibility and gaming! 

We attended #a11yTO Gaming – an event that celebrates the accessible gaming community! As a sponsor, we welcomed fans and community members to play Far Cry 6 and talk about various opportunities available at Ubisoft Toronto. 

Image on the left shows individuals talking to Ubisoft employees at the Ubisoft booth, Image on the right shows Ubisoft employees looking at game play of Far Cry 6

Celebrating its first anniversary, attendees explored all Yara has to offer in Far Cry 6. Ubisoft Toronto team members were on hand to guide attendees through the game’s customizable accessibility features, which include controller remapping and motion, colour, cognitive, motor, hearing and vision presets. These features are part of Ubisoft’s ongoing effort to make its games as accessible as possible, and to remove potential obstacles for those who want to play them.   

Accessibility is providing an end-to-end accessible user experience form using our website to playing our games. Now that we got the ball rolling our main mission is to make sure everyone at Ubisoft is making accessibility part of their day-to-day job.

— David Tisserand, Director of Accessibility at Ubisoft

A massive shoutout to the Accessibility Team at Ubisoft Kyiv who bring a wide array of gameplay-customisation features to our games – including the Far Cry and Watch Dogs franchises.  

Image on the left shows Ubisoft employee talking to an individual, Image on the right shows a crowd of people at the Ubisoft station

Team members from our studio – Naveen Prasad, Ryan Whynot, Jaylin Grierson, Jerico Javier, David De La Peña, Dylan Boyko, Jeff Piilo, Mannat Mehta, and Mia Mahinay engaged with individuals by sharing insights into our games and accessibility efforts at our booth and demo station. 

The image on the left shows a presentation being held by a male individual, the image on the right shows a female paying a video game using Xbox adaptive controller as a Ubisoft employee watches the screen

About a11yTO 

#a11yTO actively promotes digital inclusion for the design and development communities in and around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). They welcome people of all abilities and experience and encourage awareness and knowledge-sharing through events like A11yTO Gaming, which features talks from industry leaders, Q&A sessions with accessibility experts, live gaming demos, and more. 

Get involved!  

Our studio is committed to continue listening to the community and learning from their experiences to deepen our teams’ understanding of how to best improve accessibility. By making accessibility an increasingly central part of our processes, in time we will get closer to our biggest goal: accessibility by design. 

Learn more about our Ubisoft’s updates on accessibility here. 

Help us push accessible gaming forward, and join the team! 

Catch our live event recap and interviews from the team at our Instagram highlights. And follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for more updates!

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