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life at ubisoft News


Ubisoft Toronto NEXT 2023 Winners — Celebrating 10 Years of Supporting Student Talent in Ontario

The Ubisoft Toronto NEXT challenge celebrates its 10th year of the competition! The challenge saw more than 200 students...


Develop at Ubisoft 2023 — Supporting Underrepresented Student Talent across Ontario

Develop at Ubisoft is a mentorship opportunity designed to support emerging talent and to create inclusive entertainment that is...


People of Ubisoft Toronto — Meet Jill Quek, Associate DevTest Team Lead

Jill Quek knows a thing or two about career variety. After working in various industries like tourism, retail, administration...


People of Ubisoft Toronto — Meet Andy Schmoll, Game Director

An unexpected part-time gig kickstarted Andy’s 18-year journey in the video game industry. While their path wasn’t always smooth,...


Words to Worlds: Exploring Narrative Writing in AAA Games at GDC 2023

Writing compelling narratives around gameplay constraints is a challenge that requires just as much creative storytelling as it does...