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develop at ubisoft News


Meet the Talented Mentees of Develop at Ubisoft 2025

Over the course of the mentorship, 10 students and recent graduates collaborated closely with industry experts at our studio,...


Ubisoft Toronto NEXT 2023 Winners — Celebrating 10 Years of Supporting Student Talent in Ontario

The Ubisoft Toronto NEXT challenge celebrates its 10th year of the competition! The challenge saw more than 200 students...


Develop at Ubisoft 2023 — Supporting Underrepresented Student Talent across Ontario

Develop at Ubisoft is a mentorship opportunity designed to support emerging talent and to create inclusive entertainment that is...


Hack the North 2022 — Connecting Students with Career Opportunities in Game Dev

Over 1,000 students from around the world “Hacked the North” in-person. As proud supporters of Hack the North, Canada’s...


Strengthening Ties Between Game Development and Academia at Faculty Night 2022

Game development, research, and academia share close ties, and together, help propel the video game industry forward.   As...