On Tuesday, August 15th, a group of bright young girls joined us at the Ubisoft Toronto Studio for a really special field trip: They took a break from learning how to make their own video games to see what a future in the industry could look like.
Girls Learning Code programs are designed to help girls see technology in a whole new light – as a medium for self-expression, and as a means for changing the world. Getting girls excited about code is something the Ubisoft Toronto Studio is passionate about—and hey, what better way to do that than with something they already love? Video games!

Girls Learning Code campers visit the Ubisoft Toronto Studio
Ubisoft Toronto was proud to sponsor the camp for the week and host the campers at the studio. During the visit, the girls took a tour of our Playtest lab, learning about how the team works with players to test out games in development and continue to improve them for players.
Next, they took a trip to our Performance Capture studio, which is filled with all sorts of amazing technology including our motion capture cameras, to learn how we fuse art and technology to bring stories to life.
The group from Girls Learning Code ended their tour by meeting three women making games at the Ubisoft Toronto Studio. Kay Huang, Team Lead Concept Artist, Andrea Schmoll, Game Designer, and Sushama Charkraverty, Team Lead Programmer, offered the girls three different perspectives on the possibilities of making games for a living. “Games are all about touching people, and about providing an overall experience,” Sushama told them. “I think girls bring sensitivity, empathy, and they bring understanding, and the end result is a different perspective to a game.”
In the future, we hope to see campers like these girls, and other young women continue to find their passion through learning how to code and creating games, and to grow the diverse community of people making video games in Toronto.
For more information about Girls Learning Code and the workshops, camps, and afterschool programs they offer, visit ladieslearngcode.com.